Post your hospitality job advert to multiple job boards here.

Unlock Top Hospitality Talent with our Exclusive Job Advert Posting Service. Reach multiple UK job sites with a single post for just £350!

To advertise your vacancy, complete the order form below, upload your job description, and proceed to secure payment by Debit card or Credit Card (powered by Stripe) or via Direct Bank Transfer.

Any questions?

If you have any questions about our Hospitality Job advert Posting service before making your order, for example, if you want to know which UK Hospitality job boards your adverts will be posted to,  we'd be pleased to speak with you. You can reach us on 0207 1128 692 or click here to send us a message and we'll call you right back.

Ready to post your job advert?

Complete the form below to submit your order. You will be contacted by one of our job posting staff within an hour (within office hours that is) to confirm that we have received all the relevant information, and your advert will be online shortly after.

    The field is required.

    Our Bank Information

    Rhubarb Recruitment LtdCopy to clipboard

    Bank Sort Code: 30-94-83Copy to clipboard
    Bank Account Number: 03331475Copy to clipboard

    VAT: 811 2347 69

    You'll receive the bank transfer instructions on the email provided above once you submit your order, and you will be sent a receipt for your payment by email once your order completes.

    After confirming your payment, one of our consultants will contact you to confirm that we have all information needed to prepare your job advert(s). Draft adverts will be sent to you for approval, before then posting your job vacancy advert(s)

    £420 (incl. VAT at 20%)

    Advert Posting Terms

    • Adverts will be live for a minimum of 28 days from posting date and remain live for the duration of the default job board advert lifespan unless you ask us in writing to remove before that time.

    • Each job vacancy uses 1 advert credit.

    • Refunds for purchased credits are unavailable and credits to be used within 30 days of purchase.

    • All job applications will be forwarded directly to your chosen email address for processing.

    • Rhubarb Recruitment Ltd makes no guarantee as to the quantity or quality of applications that will be received.

    • Conditions deemed to be accepted by and binding upon the Client upon purchase of credit(s).


    Contact a specialist hospitality recruitment consultant now for further information about how our job advert posting service can help you find the perfect member of staff.

    0207 1128 692
    or click here